
Who Am I drunk?

  1. Overly emotional.
  2. I have little or no self control (with or without).
  3. Joyful/Happy.
  4. Easily entertained.
  5. Give compliments that come out as insults.
  6. Want more alcohol.
  7. Don’t want the “fun” to stop, at all costs.
  8. Diminished sex drive.
  9. Allow myself to feel – or accept that I’m feeling.
  10. Want everything I think I don’t have (friends/social life).
  11. Overly loud.
  12. Share thoughts and feelings (even self guarded ones).
  13. Extreme desire to smoke.
  14. Ignore responsibilities.
  15. Actually look and seek sympathy.
  16. Ditch work, job, responsibilities.
  17. Lie.
  18. Hide evidence that I’m drinking or have been.
  19. Don’t eat.
  20. Don’t sleep.
  21. Avoid everyone, even those I love/like.
    • They might call me out – can’t risk it.
  22. Avoid/Cancel important appointments, especially medical.
  23. Spend money I don’t have (for alcohol or to raise standing with others).
  24. Feel shame, guilt and anger at myself.
  25. Don’t drive (leave the house).
  26. Obsess about the past.
  27. Can’t forgive myself.
  28. Don’t care how I look (self image).
  29. Can’t write legible.
  30. Stay quiet as normal but speak up inappropriately.
  31. Don’t take my meds.
  32. Don’t celebrate holidays – it’s just another excuse to drink and I’m already there.
  33. Unable to travel, anything away from home (withdrawals).



