
Who Am I Sober?

  1. Self conscious about who I project myself to be, reserved.
  2. Intravered.
  3. Don’t share how I’m feeling.
  4. Feel inadequate in everything.
  5. Want to drink.
  6. Push people away (to not get hurt).
  7. Always on the defensive.
  8. Read into everything (everyone is talking bad about or plotting against me).
  9. Want sex.
  10. Eat better.
  11. Crave candy/sugar.
  12. Feel sick (withdrawals).
  13. Stay hydrated (drink water).
  14. Do things I used to enjoy (pretending I still enjoy them).
  15. “Kill” time so the day will just end.
  16. Wish I didn’t wake up (not suicidal but maybe it just won’t happen).
  17. Want platonic physical contact with others.
  18. Want to feel, but don’t think I can/do.
  19. Want to be productive.
  20. Care about my looks (new can of worms to not open up yet).
  21. Anxious about everything (waiting for something bad to happen).
  22. Let depression take over (can’t cover it up with alcohol).
  23. Can’t let go of the past (regrets/mistakes).
  24. Can write legibly (even in cursive).
  25. Want to be a leader but too scared of the responsibility and/or making a mistake.
  26. Want to be the “here” at any cost (be reliable).
  27. Speak only when spoken to.
  28. Don’t take meds regularly.
  29. Don’t celebrate holidays.
  30. Don’t travel (bills to pay).



