
Who Do I WANT To Be Sober?

  1. Mentally adjusted (normal).
  2. Emotionally adjusted (rational, feeling, but sober).
  3. Speak out when I have an opinion (w/out fear of sounding stupid).
  4. Be a shoulder/sounding board for my friends and family.
  5. Be a trusted friend, Sir and husband.
  6. Think clearly (speak as fast and clearly as my brain runs).
  7. Have lots of sex.
  8. Take meds on time (hence being adjusted).
  9. Not obsessed with alcohol.
  10. Be a non-smoker.
  11. Enjoy the hobbies and activities that used to bring me joy.
  12. Love life and living.
  13. Have my career back.
  14. Provide for my family and friends, being able to help financially again and actually be there for them.
  15. Make home a home again (since I gave my last one up).
  16. Have people want to be around me again.
  17. Celebrate holidays again.
  18. Travel.
  19. Excersize and bulk up (I hate the twink I’ve become).
  20. Have money to get my tattoo.
  21. Skydive.
  22. Be stable enough to be a DM again.
  23. Be a leader and not the follower I’ve trained myself to be.
  24. Never be in rehab again.
  25. Be the best, honest and honorable man I know I can be.



