Silence, Meditation and Prayer.

In the movie theaters they say silence is golden. The same holds true here. Sometimes there are so many different conversations going on in the same room, with the TV on and someone playing on the XBox, it gets defining. Even in my room it often gets really distracting which makes meditation and prayer just that harder. I’m learning how to try and block out the distractions. It isn’t easy but I’m still working on getting better. Not trying to block anything out helps. Meditation, for me, seems to seem just letting the mind wonder.

Prayer is easier to do than meditation with all the distractions, but that could also be because I’l been praying a lot longer than meditating. Praying is a conversation with God and it’s like having a conversation in a crowded restaurant.

I find that meditation is more a conversation with myself: My thoughts; My emotions; My feelings. I’m not sure why it’s so much easier to drown out distractions praying but it is. I’m starting to think that maybe, when meditating, since it’s dealing and sorting through my own head I get the distractions jumbled and the train jumps tracks often track and I can’t focus on my own things and I get drawn into some or all of the distractions.

Either way, I find that sometimes I try praying and I end up meditating… and vice versa. or at least I end up doing both at the same time. I guess it seems to reason that it flows naturally when I don’t have any expectations. I guess that is surrendering to God, which I guess is also a form of vulnerability.

If I can’t reconcile my relationship with God, how can I with anything else…



