A Good Day in Treatment

Since this is my third go in treatment for my addiction, I’ve often pondered the thought, “Is there a good day in treatment?”

After today, I finally have an answer for myself. As I’m sitting on my bed, in my room, writing this I’ve been going through the events of the day and I can’t think of any lows.

Most of the time, during our last group of the day we go around the room and share our positive moments of the day. Anything that made it a bad day: Physically; emotionally; mentally. The last part of the wrap up for the day is saying something we’re thankful for and some random question to try and make it a bit of fun.

We had someone share his story, so we didn’t do the normal wrap up, but if we did I wouldn’t have had any lows (which I usually do have). I slept well, ate well, no drama, good talks with people I’ve become friends with, good groups, etc. Just overall, a good day.

Tomorrow’s going to be a different story though. Where I’m happy and proud for/of four people they are leaving tomorrow and another leaves here Saturday. All five of them I’ve befriended and have been able to talk to freely. But, as for today, it was a good day.



