Who Am I drunk?
- Overly emotional.
- I have little or no self control (with or without).
- Joyful/Happy.
- Easily entertained.
- Give compliments that come out as insults.
- Want more alcohol.
- Don’t want the “fun” to stop, at all costs.
- Diminished sex drive.
- Allow myself to feel – or accept that I’m feeling.
- Want everything I think I don’t have (friends/social life).
- Overly loud.
- Share thoughts and feelings (even self guarded ones).
- Extreme desire to smoke.
- Ignore responsibilities.
- Actually look and seek sympathy.
- Ditch work, job, responsibilities.
- Lie.
- Hide evidence that I’m drinking or have been.
- Don’t eat.
- Don’t sleep.
- Avoid everyone, even those I love/like.
- They might call me out – can’t risk it.
- Avoid/Cancel important appointments, especially medical.
- Spend money I don’t have (for alcohol or to raise standing with others).
- Feel shame, guilt and anger at myself.
- Don’t drive (leave the house).
- Obsess about the past.
- Can’t forgive myself.
- Don’t care how I look (self image).
- Can’t write legible.
- Stay quiet as normal but speak up inappropriately.
- Don’t take my meds.
- Don’t celebrate holidays – it’s just another excuse to drink and I’m already there.
- Unable to travel, anything away from home (withdrawals).