
Well, short and sweet. I’m a 44 year old Christian, gay, alcoholic dude living in Washington State. I’ve been fighting my addition for almost as long as I had been fighting the fact that I’m gay.

I finally came to terms with being Christian and gay after a long crisis of faith but I was able to reconcile them with two facts. I can’t fight my attraction to men anymore for my love and belief in God and His son, Jesus. So, I had to come to terms with those, somewhat contradictions and simply accept that He will judge me when my time comes and I accept His judgement. Until then I have to live the best and truest life I can. That’s all I can do.

In a way that’s how I’ve reconciled myself and my addiction to alcohol. I know I’m an addict. I know I have a problem. I also know it can be kept at bay, though never eliminated, though meditation, prayer, medication and personal relationships – all things that mean more to me than the drug.

Welcome to my blog and tiny speck in the vastness of the Internet.